Creativity Express!
So you've seen some of the work, you've been to a few of the sites. We appreciate that! Thanks. But what's 86 Creative all about?
Just as a refresher 86 Create is totally committed to developing innovate and original artworks, graphic design and signage projects for quality clients.
At the end of the day we’re about results.
Some the results we speak of are tangible, some of them are less but just as important. You see if we can help deliver good looking work that helps our clients communicate their message better, clearer or easier then that’s just as important for us as the quality of the art we produce as individuals or as a group.
So you could say the other thing we’re about is positive engagement.
Whether it’s a signage project, a complete overhaul of your visual communications or even a group workshop painting in pairs to create a large scale mural with a focus on team building, 86 Creative can deliver an original and quality driven outcome.
We're open to all ideas and want to hear from you, so please feel free to drop us an email at: that86kid@internode.on.net
In the mean time sit back and enjoy our work!
Thanks for your support.
Want to see more work?
Have a look at 86 Creative on Myspace, our Folio, join us on the Behance Network, connect on Artician or MY ARTSPACE.